Bitihorn (foto StB)

Bli medlem av NSFT!

Norsk selskap for farmakologi og toksikologi (NSFT) er åpent for alle profesjoner. Hvis du har interesse for farmakologi, basal eller klinisk, eller toksikologi -enten det er miljøtoksikologi eller klinisk toksikologi…

  • NSFT Winter Meeting 2025: Abstracts booklet and Program

    Abstracts booklet and Detailed Program for download

    Abstracts booklet here
    Final program here

  • NSFT Winter Meeting 2025: Abstracts deadline Jan 10th!

    Happy New Year NSFT Members,
    December was a busy month for us all and maybe you did not manage to submit your abstract on time?
    -No worries, we have extended the deadline for the Abstract submission until the 10th of January !!

  • NSFT Winter Meeting 2025: Registration open!

    Instruction and forms for registration, info here.
    We are excited to announce that registration and abstract submissions for the Winter Meeting 2025 are now open! The event will take place at Beitostølen from January 23-26, 2025. This year, we are honored to feature the Poulsson winner, Prof. Dr. Ellen Fritsche, who will receive her award and present a lecture on her significant contributions to the field of neurotoxicity. Attention students: we are offering 30 travel stipends, each worth 500-1000 NOK, to support your attendance at the meeting! BSc., MSc. and “forskerlinjen” student are prioritized. Join us for three days of engaging scientific discussions, networking opportunities, and outdoor winter activities in the breathtaking Norwegian winter landscape. We can’t wait to see you there!”

  • “Toksikologen” tilgjengelig her

    Bladet “Toksikologen” ble utgitt av toksikologiseksjonen i 28 årganger fram til 2018.
    Utgavene fra 2005 kan leses her.

  • BCPT Assistant editor

    Exciting Opportunity: Join BCPT as an Assistant Editor!

    Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology (BCPT), a prestigious Nordic journal, is seeking up to four Assistant Editors to join its dynamic team. As an AE, you’ll handle 10–15 manuscripts annually, assist with peer review processes, and collaborate with distinguished editors and scientists…

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