NSFT Winter Meeting 2025 at Beitostølen
We are thrilled to announce that the NSFT Winter Meeting 2025 will be held from January 23rd to 26th in the breathtaking mountain resort of Beitostølen! Join us for three days of exciting scientific discussions, networking, and outdoor winter fun with your colleagues in a stunning Norwegian winter wonderland. This year’s meeting promises to bring fresh insights, lively debates, and plenty of opportunities to hit the slopes. Pack your skis, your thinking cap, and a warm jacket—we can’t wait to see you there!
Autumn meeting in the NSFT Toxicology section
Welcome to the autumn meeting in the Toxicology section of NSFT.
Topic: “AI meets Toxicology – Possibilities Today and Tomorrow.”
Wednesday 23 october at 13.30-17.00.
Meeting venue: STAMI – Gydas vei 8, 0363 Oslo. – – – (or Teams) -
IATDMCT 2024 i Banff, Canada
Årets internasjonale kongress for TDM og klinisk toksikologi, IATDMCT, blir i 2024 arrangert i Banff, Canada. Oppdatert info med tidsfrister finnes på websiden iatdmct2024.org .
Poulsson prize 2024 to Ellen Fritsche!
The Norwegian Society for Pharmacology and Toxicology (NSFT) honors the German scientist and professor Dr. Ellen Fritsche by awarding her with this year´s Poulsson prize. -
Ellen Fritsche tildeles årets Poulssonpris!
Norsk selskap for farmakologi og toksikologi (NSFT) hedrer den tyske forskeren og professoren Dr. Ellen Fritsche med å tildele henne årets Poulssonpris