Høstmøte 6.nov: Recent advances in plastic and plastic additives research
NSFT and collaborators (Plastic Network (UiB), HI, NIVA) invite you to a one-day meeting in Bergen on November 6th, 2023. The title of the meeting is “Recent advances in plastic and plastic additives research – Can we transition to risk-based prioritisation?” – including a keynote lecture from Hans Bouwmeester (Ass. Prof. Wageningen University and Research).
Follow this link to see the full program.
The meeting is free to attend and includes lunch. Online attendance via Zoom will also be possible.
Please register your attendance here. -
IATDMCT kongress i Oslo 2023 -Early bird deadline 15.6.23
Den årlige internasjonale kongress for TDM og klinisk toksikologi, IATDMCT, arrangeres for første gang i Norge. Mer info finnes på websiden iatdmct2023.org . Stedet er Oslo Kongressenter, og det er separat pre-kongress-symposium på søndagen med tema mikrosampling og hjemmeprøvetaking. Dette gir en fin mulighet til å bli kjent med foreningen IATDMCT og de årlige kongressene. Påmelding til kongressen innen 15.juni gir lavest deltageravgift. Aller rimeligst blir det hvis man først melder seg inn i IATDMCT og for NSFT-medlemmer er det lavere medlemsavgift.
NSFT Winter meeting: Poulsson lecture by Roland Seifert
As previously announced, Professor Roland Seifert at Institute of Pharmacology, Centre of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Hannover Medical School (MHH), was awarded the 2022 Poulsson Medal for his long-lasting achievements in the field of pharmacology. During the NSFT Winter meeting at Beitostølen on January 27th, Prof. Seifert presented his Poulsson lecture…
News from BCPT
The journal BCPT, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, has announced two prizes to be awarded in 2023. Info about these including details and links for nominations and and more can be found here.
Klart for Vintermøte 2023
Vintermøtet er tilbake på Beito, 26.-29.januar 2023! All info om møtet på websiden her.